Monday, 28 September 2009


When you express interest in a t-shirt or jeans,
I can't help but think no. Not this one, or this one or this one.
We are both shopping for different things it seems.
I have an idea of what I think you should buy,
but you are a fashionable person
and you only wear what looks good.

Sunday, 27 September 2009


Tonight, I am wearing your clothes.


Documentation of the first stages of development of a piece of devised site specific performance.

May 13th 2009, The Gardens, Dartington.

96' (post previously named Yoyo)


Makes it worth.


Friday, 18 September 2009

Back To Concrete

Back to my bliss

I didn't really think that I actually wanted this.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

For A Lighter Trolly

When I go to the shop I go in without picking up a basket.  I try and make my purchases just using my hands.  I usually end up having to go to the checkout and finding a basket and then returning to shopping.  I don't have a lot to buy so a trolly is unnecessary (and operating a heavy trolly is difficult, it really isn't really worth the effort.  Cornering a weighty trolly can be painful.  I think I would much rather live a simple diet with an empty cupboard sacrificing the richness in choice and the wholesome flavours.  I would leave out the spices and mixes herbs.  I would leave out everything that makes surviving that little bit more pleasant on the shelf; for a lighter trolly).  I think I prefer to keep my cupboards empty.

A Self Portrait


I have a pair of shoes that I bought a long time ago. They stay on the shelf with my other shoes but I never wear them. I bought them for a special occasion and they served me well on that night. Then they went on the shelf and have had little use since. The problem is that these shoes are so nice that I am scared to wear them. They are delicate. Each time I have worn them another scuff appears. Each time my shoes contact fresh floor a part of them is damaged. I can see the shoes now. There are scuffs them. Not many. I don't wear them often enough. Perhaps one day I will be able to wear them without worry of damage. I will be able to walk to the park or the beach. Hopefully one day I can go to the pub with my shoes. Hopefully one day I can wear my shoes, without fear of damage.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Glitter on Halloween


an on-going project.


Take that insect from it's playground and place it on a shelf. 

It is dangerous to leave such strength unattended, free to roam, might hurt yourself.  

Put it in a jar and observe it from afar.  

After all.

It is beautiful.

My Favourite Place Got Better


When I Was Young I Learned To Clean Up Breakages



Coffee.  Consumer.  Coffee.  Craving granules.  Beans (not baked).  The warm smell.  Moreso, however, the company of coffee rather than the beverage itself.  The sometimes comfortabe sometimes not chairs and conversation.  Made with airborn heat (magic).  The fusion of two (one, the base, the other chosen from a selection) to make such desirable taste.  Something special, a harmony of flavours if paired correctly (perfection, though, can not be achieved).  In addition, though, a uniqueness with each experience.  Individual qualities added if and when individuals require (example: vanilla).  Taste.  Person.  Or possibly coffee, small medium or large, full fat milk or semi-skimmed.  The large coffee being face to face with three sugars, the small is naturally more shallow and the medium, somewhere in the middle of the two.  The flavour of the coffee varies depending on how the ingredients have grown that day and previous one and the previous one.  The smell is rich, richer than before (the richness of the last cup added to this one and all that's between: and probably coffees beforehand and the pending future drinks).  The taste gets fuller and the chairs begin to get more comfy with every visit to the coffee shop.  A regular ritual of little significance to unaware passers by, but of great importance to each drinker.  It has to be done well, not necessarily perfection as mentioned previous, but at the very least as close to it as possible (only a fool would put up with any less).  Note:  If the coffee is not good do not drink it.  Order and sit as time passes.  Drink.  Then leave.  Repeatedly.  Again and again even if it burns your tongue.  Not a physical addiction, but then an addiction that is not a physical one could be discribed as an emotion, perhaps, feeling, perhaps, desire, maybe, to drink coffee from mugs in a muggy room surrounded by people with their own mugs who could be doing, thinking, feeling the same as you.  Feeling of want.  Want of feeling (coffee).  Filling sensation.  Warmth (inside and sometimes out if there is spillage).  Warm when elsewhere isn't.  Desirable at cold times (popular with winter holidays and general chilly weather).  The coffee boy probably suspects the hint of addiction as he may be knowledgeable to the small details, sugar number, et cetera, (it is just as likely, though, that he is not as wise and does not observe, he just serves).  

For similar notes see nicotine and alcahol.

Chair (Working Title)


This Song Starts Now

Movement created by created movement.