Wednesday 21 April 2010


As part of the Unlands Project.

Saturday 17 April 2010


From the 25.03.10 Installation. 

A selection of images taken by the viewers on disposable cameras. 

Monday 12 April 2010


I always squeeze my toothpaste tube from the middle and then regret it. It's not that I don't know that I shouldn't. It's that comfort of just doing it the way you have always done it. But then at the end of the tube (when there is still more inside) the tube is crumpled and you can't squeeze any more out. Although, what would be worse? If I squeeze the tube from the bottom so the tube stays tidy and easy to use but inevitably taking all substance or to squeeze from the middle (the way I have always done it) and deal with the problems.

When My Eyes Aren't Closed

When I close my eyes it isn't so I can't see what I can't see when my eyes aren't closed. I can see what my eyes can't see when my eyes aren't closed and what they can't see when my eyes are open and everything in between that too.